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2024-01-08 小陰唇手術:楔型切除法(下)(Labia minora plasty:wedge resection technique(2/2)) (11656) (0)
2024-01-02 小陰唇手術:楔型切除法(上)(Labia minora plasty:wedge resection technique(1/2)) (11318) (0)
2023-12-25 小陰唇手術:內側縮減法(Labia minora plasty:reduction technique of medial aspect) (7716) (0)
2023-12-18 小陰唇手術:邊緣切除法(Labia minora plasty:edge resection technique) (10232) (0)
2023-09-18 小陰唇手術的初步概念(The basic concept of labia minor plasty) (11040) (0)
2023-01-10 男女外生殖器的對照—陰蒂肥大(下) (The contrast of external genital organs-- clitoral hypertrophy(3/3)) (8110) (0)
2023-01-05 男女外生殖器的對照—陰蒂肥大(中) (The contrast of external genital organs-- clitoral hypertrophy(2/3)) (7355) (0)
2022-12-27 男女外生殖器的對照—陰蒂肥大(上) (The contrast of external genital organs-- clitoral hypertrophy(1/3)) (7795) (0)
2022-12-22 男女外生殖器的對照--小陰唇沾黏(The contrast between male & female external genital organs-- labial synechia) (8974) (0)
2022-12-19 男女外生殖器的對照--小陰唇 (下) (The contrast between male & female external genital organs--Labia Minora(2/2)) (9709) (0)
2022-12-19 男女外生殖器的對照--小陰唇 (上) (The contrast between male & female external genital organs--Labia Minora(1/2)) (9472) (0)
2020-02-19 下眼瞼凹陷暨後天眼瞼外翻重建 (Reconstruction of concave lower eyelid & acquired ectropion) (11336) (0)
2018-08-11 側額臉部贅皮去除術(A simple way to correct the flaccidity of lateral eye-angle & eyebrow tail) (8425) (0)
2018-03-12 看似併指(趾)—亞伯氏症(Apert syndrome & syndactyly) (6406) (0)
2017-09-28 大型蟹足腫切除暨植皮手術 (10150) (0)
2017-03-13 脂肪瘤 — 內視鏡手術輔助與一般手術之比較(Lipoma— endoscopy-assisted procedure v.s. open one) (13115) (0)
2016-11-06 鈣化的粉瘤—毛母質瘤(Calcifying epithelioma—pilomatrixoma) (8785) (0)
2016-09-06 口腔黏液囊腫(mucocele) (8602) (0)
2016-07-09 另類舌繫帶—頦舌肌上端纖維肥厚(The alternate tongue-tie – upper fiber hypertrophy of genioglossus) (8974) (0)
2016-07-06 它不是併指(趾)—羊膜帶症候群 (It's amniotic band syndrome, not syndactyly ) (6522) (0)
2016-06-25 剪‧舌繫帶(How we perform tongue-tie release on OPD) (9457) (0)
2016-02-28 男性女乳術後二次重建—皮下凹陷(revisional surgery for gynecomastia – subcutaneous depression) (13891) (0)
2016-02-11 小陰唇整形之手術探討(The detailed procedure of labioplasty minor) (8750) (0)
2015-08-08 笑齦(gummy smile)個案說明—上唇回復術(Lip repositioning surgery) (15325) (0)
2015-07-09 狐臭手術經驗談(My evolutionary experience in bromidrosis surgery) (21016) (0)
2015-06-22 不要輕忽術後照護的重要性 (8898) (0)
2015-03-19 萎縮性疤痕 (13772) (0)
2014-11-25 副乳(Accessory breast) (10524) (0)
2014-11-04 Quill羽毛線拉皮 (8825) (0)
2014-10-30 處理舌繫帶 — 該進開刀房?或是在診間?(Tongue-tie release at OPD or at OR?) (10944) (0)
2014-10-23 黃色素瘤 (6680) (0)
2014-08-17 下 臉 拉 皮 (11300) (0)
2014-02-12 我想要臥蠶! (11914) (0)
2013-11-18 小陰唇整形簡答(Q&A of labioplasty minor) (12653) (0)
2013-09-23 眼皮鬆弛、眼尾下垂 (14666) (0)
2013-07-04 當疤痕已成事實 (14891) (0)
2013-03-29 自體脂肪隆乳 (10690) (0)
2013-03-10 縮 小 鼻 頭 (8818) (0)
2012-12-22 小陰唇整形手術介紹 -- Comprehensive review -- hypertrophy of labia minor) (12912) (0)
2012-12-18 玻尿酸簡介 (9147) (0)
2012-12-15 八爪拉皮 (7345) (0)
2012-11-18 眼袋手術--脂肪回填淚溝 (17014) (0)
2012-11-09 眼袋手術--脂肪回推法(囊膜修補術)術後常見問題釋疑 (8909) (0)
2012-11-04 眼袋手術--脂肪回推(囊膜修補術) (11360) (0)
2012-10-19 內眦成型術 -- 開眼頭 (14430) (0)
2012-09-30 漫談植髮 (8461) (0)
2012-09-17 簡介PRP應用與實例解說 (9826) (0)
2012-09-14 自體脂肪移植—論抽脂補脂 (7407) (0)
2012-08-26 雙眼皮手術:二次重建矯正 (10064) (0)
2012-08-05 縫式雙眼皮解構 (14209) (0)
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